Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jazzercise and Jewelry

Today was all about jewelry and jazzercise. My daughter who is "more than four and half" as she puts it is a great little worker! Orders are coming in and I needed a helper. She has become an expert at putting earrings onto earring cards & my business cards into the jewelry boxes. She is also very into fishing out all of the pieces from the steel shot after they have been tumble polished. She feels very important helping me and I honestly am grateful for the jobs that she does! I just wonder when I'll have to start paying her....

Then it was off to teach my Jazzercise class. We had two new students tonight which is always exciting. I love seeing students laugh as they try to get the new moves down. Everyone feels like they have 2 left feet when they first start, but after they have 4 or 5 Jazzercise classes under their belt they get the hang of it and bust a move! It's very rewarding being on stage and helping these incredible women get a great workout, and motivating them to stay fit and make healthy choices.


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