A couple of new pieces posted yesterday. I love these and thought I would share. Just got a new mandrel for making bracelets and bangles. And a new raising hammer that I've coveted for a while. What a difference. Its all about the tools folks, always get the best ones.
Many 'items' going on. Sensory problems 'finally' diagnosed for my son. In some way it's a relief to have a systematic 'outline' of why and exactly how he has struggled all of his 7 years; and also heartbreaking. But there is much we can do as far as helping him and for that I am so grateful. And we see results right away. As we did when we first started with his cranial sacral therapy and homeopathic remedies.
Still a huge dose of love and patience is always needed. I love that little wisp of a boy and he truly is a joy, along with his sister. The difficult days or moments always bring me back to the very basic excercise of breathing and accepting things as they are in that moment. I have discovered that is the way to move peacefully through life. I don't always succeed! But I try, and it doesn't take me too long to remember to take a short break....and try again with a more accepting attitude.
Peace to all of you this season. Look into the eyes of the little and big people that you love and show them how much they mean to you. They are why we are here on this planet doing all of the things that we do. Sharing our gifts with them, and in turn enjoying those that they bring to us.
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